Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Phone Interviews

I don't like them. I was invited to do one this Friday for a position I am really excited about. I was told it would only be 15-30 minutes long. Why bother? What can be learned in that amount of time? I've been on both sides of phone interviews and I can tell you that they're mostly used to weed out people who can't communicate well. It's mostly about personality. I helped conduct one once where it was like pulling teeth from the candidate. Another time, a candidate wouldn't quit talking. It was like trying to talk to a telemarketer. Barring any really difficult questions (which I doubt since these things are usually general), I should be invited for a real interview. I hope so anyway.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Zoo

I went to the local zoo yesterday. I don't particularly care for zoos. I can take them or leave them really. After a visit, I usually feel a little bad for most of the animals, but I guess zoos can serve a purpose of educating people (especially children) and may help foster an appreciation of wildlife. I don't know. Maybe I'm just rationalizing.

I was a little surprised to find there weren't as many animals in the exhibits as the last time I went there (2 years ago). It was blatantly obvious in some cases. The bat exhibit, for example, used to house 50 bats or more that would fly back and forth and land on grapefruit that was hanging from the ceiling. It was strangely quiet in that exhibit and I only saw about 5 bats total and they weren't active. I also noticed some of the monkey exhibits were empty or had significantly less occupants.

What gives? Do zoos routinely purchase more animals than they can possibly keep expecting some of them to die off? Do they think it increases their odds of keeping them alive for display? If they buy 100 bats, they can be lax for a few years and not have to restock in 5 years or so?

It's a sad thing. I would like to do some investigative reporting on what goes on at zoos. I hope I'm not correct in this case, but it makes one wonder...

Friday, May 26, 2006

Crazy Weather!

I was in bed last night drifting off to sleep when I start hearing sirens. Yes, sirens. I went downstairs and turned on the tele and saw that we had a tornado warning. This kind of freaked me out. Tornados always have ever since I was a kid. Since I've been living here, I never heard the sirens go off. It's nice to know they have them.

Anyway, we were advised to go to a basement if we have one (I do), so I took my bird and down we went. I also took my 'puter and my purse (my life is in those two things). I looked outside and it was so still, not a leaf was moving. It was eerie. There was a funnel cloud that touched down a few miles away from me. Thankfully, we stayed safe.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Spring Has Finally Arrived

It's about 75° outside. I just had to walk at lunchtime. It's nice to feel the breeze and not be chilled from it. I live outside when it's nice. If it's not raining when I get home, I'll go for another walk.

Well, I decided to back out of the job for which I was going to interview. Where I am at may also be temporary, but at least I know my boss will fight to keep me. They didn't even mind when I withdrew my application. I honestly think they're going to have a hard time filling the job for the amount of experience they require. It's not my worry.

I'm feeling even better today. I'm forcing myself to eat more as it's really hard to keep my calories up and eat low carb. I have trouble eaing a lot at one sitting so I'm grazing. It's not easy for me to do.

A friend of mine wants to teach overseas. She has two offers and may be going to China next year. She is brave. With my dietary restrictions alone, I know I couldn't do it. I'm excited for her, but will miss her. At least the Internet will keep us connected (and Duran Duran).

I have another friend who is in Italy right now. Pompeii. She has the life right now. She is an announcer for a college radio station and gets to take a group of people to Europe every other year. She is there for 17 days and didn't have to pay for it. She didn't have to take vacation time either. It is considered work time. That's the life. She and I want to go to France again this year. I'm not sure it'll happen especially if I change jobs, but I do want to get over there again eventually. I was in England last December and it wasn't long enough.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

It figures

I found out that position for which I'm interviewing isn't permanent. Every year, they have to check to see if they'll get funding. If not, bye-bye. This is going to greatly influence my decision if the job is offered to me. I'm holding out for another one and hoping that they act quickly.

I'm feeling slightly better, but had some anxiety this morning and yesterday leaving work. I really don't know what's going on with my body. I try to eat right and treat it well and it's not cooperating.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


I checked my email last night and saw a message inviting me for a job interview. I am thrilled. I interviewed for another position there in December and was very disappointed when I didn't get it. When this new position became available in the same dept., I hesitated about whether to apply or not. I figured they wouldn't invite me back unless they really liked me because it is bad to invite someone twice like that. I am so qualified for this job. Now I will probably get another interview soon and then get two job offers. That's the way life is.

I'm feeling better physically. Yesterday, I started getting these shaky feelings. They are more on the inside than visible on the outside. My legs also feel weak. I am feeling better, but made a dr. appt. for Friday. I hate going there. I feel like I have these vague symptoms and that my dr. doesn't take me seriously.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Monday blahs...

I had a nice weekend. I spent Saturday doing errands. I took a drive to an organic grocery store and spent way too much. Why does healthy have to cost more?

I made a nice dinner. It is called a deep dish pizza quiche and it was excellent.

I went for a 5-mile walk. I came back from it feeling energized.

My parents came over on Sunday. We didn't do too much. Sometimes I wonder why they bother. It was obvious my mom didn't want to be there. She rather me come there, but frankly, I'm tired of the driving all the time. I drive 350 miles/week for work anyway. It's exhausting.

So I'm back to the grind today. At least it's a short day for me. I leave at 1:00 for a hair appt. Give me any reason not to be at work and I'll use it.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Friday & Too Much Time on My Hands

I'm feeling much better today. Could it be because it's Friday? I'm still avoiding the veggies and feel so much better for it.

This week went surprisingly fast for someone who has no work. My job was relatively phased out, but I'm still here. I keep waiting for a pink slip, but my boss told me it won't happen. There are no guarantees though. I am actively looking for another job and have 2 prospects that look very good. I am excited about it and hope one of them works out. It's tough having nothing to do. Sometimes that makes me more exhausted and stressed than when I was busy. I also feel so guilty and ashamed to face my co-workers. They must know surely! I am the second highest paid person in the library and do the least. It's shameful.

The worse thing about my job right now is that I feel completely worthless. I used to have a lot of responsibility and I really liked that. I thrive on it actually. I've slowly watched as my job has been whittled away. Now when I do have projects, they are more or less "busy work." It's not satisfying at all.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Feeling yucky

I hate posting negative things here, but I've been feeling so yucky for the past week, I can think of little else.

I have a history of digestive problems with which my doctors have never been able to help. I have IBS. I have GERD (actually, HAD GERD). I'm really having trouble lately digesting vegetables. At least I think that's the problem. I started reducing my carbs in February to try to control the acid reflux. It works great and there is no more heartburn or chest pain. I've been getting lots of gas and bloating, however, in my large intestine (the small intestine is more associated with the acid reflux, hence no reflux). I've been consuming more veggies, so I think that's the problem. I'm going to avoid them today and see what happens. I hate this! I'm 5'3" and weigh 107 lbs. I don't want to lose more weight yet I keep having to restrict what I eat. Not to mention the embarrassment I have at having gas while at work. It never stops. I just want to be able to eat without pain.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


I have a quaker parakeet. He's going to be 11 years old on June 1. I worry about him and feel bad for him. He's always been alone all day while I'm at work. As a result, he doesn't talk much and he has some behavior problems such as biting and screaming when he's stressed. I've spoiled him, probably because I feel guilty about his situation, so I give him whatever I'm eating. He won't eat his own food now. People tell me if I had another bird he would do better because he would watch the other one eat, but I shudder at the thought of caring for another little monster.

Anyway, I went to a quaker site and started watching videos people put together of their birds doing cute things. Some of them sing or they talk really well. There was one that played with a plastic basket and a ball on the floor. He amused himself by putting the ball in the basket and then throwing it out again. My bird is terrified of that ball. I have one and every time he sees it he runs for cover. I felt really sad watching those videos and observing all the well-socialized birds. I love mine no matter what, but I feel that I didn't give him the best home he could have had. Imagine what I would have done with a child!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Rain rain go away!

The orchid on the right is a phalaenopsis orchid called Fried's Danseuse. The flower is so delicate and feminine. It belonged to my mom, but she couldn't get it to rebloom. I've had it about 2 years and finally it's happy. I changed the potting medium to moss and it really started to grow after that.

It has been raining since last Thursday. It's really getting old fast. I normally take a walk every day at lunch while at work. If I don't, the afternoons really drag on and I get a little bitchy. I'm going out there regardless today. Let it pour!

Monday, May 15, 2006


I became vegetarian about 9 years ago because I was having trouble digesting meat. I continued to eat some fish mainly when dining out because there aren't many options for me especially since I am on a low-carb diet (not to lose weight, but to control my acid reflux).

Strangely enough, within the last few months, I've been having a lot of trouble digesting vegetables. I've always had trouble with legumes, but now I have to take Beano with most veggies. I also had a bad reaction to tofu over the weekend. I'm seriously considering re-entering the meat-eating world because I feel the best eating eggs and fish. This is tough because I am against the way livestock is raised. It seems like my body, however, is demanding it. I'm tired of the bloating and stomach pains. What do you do when your intellect wants one thing, but the body another?

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!

It was a nice Mother's Day. Rainy, but this is Ohio. We took my mom out for a brunch at a state park. It was very good. I filled up on salmon which I love. My dad was a little bummed that he isn't as physically fit as he used to be when we used to visit the park. He had to rest quite a bit as we were walking up a hill. I told him that he does great for someone in his 70s with leukemia and had brain surgery last year. He is so hard on himself. He can walk rings around people a lot younger than him.

My mom enjoyed the day. I always try to do something special for her. She is very sensitive, so I have to make sure to let her know I appreciate her and I do. I'm not sure she realizes how much she is loved. I also thought briefly about my birth mother. Did she think about me today?

I also realize that I'll never know what it's like to be a mother myself. This isn't meant to be a depressive post. I'm not depressed about this. I don't want kids. It's just that on a day like today, dedicated to mothers, one ponders things.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Too much like work

I slept about 10 hours last night. It's not a record, but that's a lot of sleep. I guess the week caught up with me. I was on the road a lot, packing, loading the car, unloading the car. It's more than I'm used to. I don't like to always be on the go. It's a lot of work. I know it's good for me to do things, see people, get out there. I would be content sometimes to just stay at home and not talk to anyone. It's unnatural for me to be social. I force myself to do it lately because isn't that what we're all about? Aren't humans social creatures? Can we even live without daily contact? What happens to us when we shut ourselves away? Do we slowly lose our sanity and forget how to talk and interact at all?

I have another get-together next month. A bunch of us who met over the Internet are doing dinner and some clubbing. It should be fun. It's actually going to start the day before but that means I have to board my bird. It's too much work. The only ones who can take him are my parents who live 70 miles away. He gets so stressed, I feel really bad for him. I suppose I could ask a friend to come check on him. She doesn't understand birds. She doesn't like animals all that much and he bites. I'll have to think about it. See, it's already too much. That's what happens when it becomes too much like work. It's a chore that must be done and you stress until it's over.

Friday, May 12, 2006

What the...?

I have a job opportunity which would mean a significant promotion and salary increase. I would have to move, but I would only be about 30 miles farther away from my parents. They are getting older. My dad has leukemia, but is in remission. My sister had the nerve to tell me that she thinks this job is too far away and that she worries about our parents and that they would need me and I would be too far away. She only lives 8 miles from them, has no children and only works 4 days a week. Couldn't she be there if needed? Why does it all fall to me? She is their first-born, actually they're only born since I am adopted. I won't be made to feel guilty for thinking about my future. I'm not married and have to think about my financial security. She is married and has her house paid off. Isn't family just lovely?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Great day!

What an enjoyable day! I spent the day at a training session. What made it great is that I was with people like myself who are all passionate about the same thing. I've really missed that working at a small place. These people "get it."

We had lunch outside since the weather was nice. Afterwards, my friend and I ended up at a Meijers. She forgot to pack a certain bra and I forgot to pack black shoes. I ended up with a pair of sunglasses too.

We also went out to dinner as a group. I had a wonderful stuffed trout. I've been eating seafood all week. I should just give it up and start eating the rest of the animal kingdom again. It's so hard to dine out otherwise and I seem to feel the best eating protein.

Anyway, this has been a great little get away for me. I hadn't realized how tense and stressed I've been. Sometimes a break is all you need.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Dining Solo

Being single is okay most of the time for me. The one time it is nice to have someone with me is when dining out. I made it to my destination and was looking forward to a quiet dinner in a nice restaurant sipping a merlot. I ended up at Bob Evans because I couldn't find anyplace else. Fine. I ordered my meal and the waitress brought my iced tea. I got up to use the toilet and was only gone 3 minutes, really! Anway, when I returned to the table, the busboy had already cleaned it off. As if eating alone isn't bad enough. Why does everyone expect couples anyway? I guess next time I'll bring a jacket and leave it on the seat. Would someone then take it and place it in the Lost & Found?

Change is on the wind...

I don't know how I know, but it's just a feeling I have. It could be because I have two job opportunities available and one may take me to another part of the state. It's an exciting time. Things have been stagnant for much too long. It's a strange thing for me because I don't really like change. Maybe it's the small things in life that bother me the most: not having my chocolate soy shake in the morning or forgetting my scented body lotion when I leave for a weekend. Other events which shake up my life completely are now viewed as an adventure, at least until I get down to the nitty-gritty of it and it actually happens. I can be excited now as it's all rather abstract and I'm still in my comfort zone.

I'm heading to the west of the state (about 3 hours from home) tonight and will be back on Wednesday. I'm in the mood for this training session and I love having my own hotel room. No responsibilities and eating out in fine restaurants at somebody else's expense. I could get used to that.

Saturday, May 06, 2006


I slept in. I looked forward to that all week. I've been feeling tired all week anyway. Now I think I'm a little revived.

I got up, had breakfast and then cleaned my parrot's cage. He hates when I do it and fights me every chance he gets. Don't get a bird if you can help it. Just think long and hard. They live a looooong time. He's going to be 11 in June and could live another 20 years.

It's going to be a typically busy Saturday. I'm going to be away from home all week, so I have to do some packing.

Friday, May 05, 2006


The orchid on the right is a Miltassia orchid: one of the easiest to grow. Water it once a week, fertilize it every 2 weeks and voilà, you'll start getting flowers. It blooms a couple times per year and the blooms last for months. I love it because it also has a sweet fragrance.

I spent the day at a workshop about 3 hours away. The topic was aging in the workplace. We discussed the various "generations" and what is important to each. The generation that is the hardest for me to understand is Generation Y which supposedly encompasses anyone born from 1982-2000. I'm a Gen Xer and we do have a lot in common. I saw a lot of similarities between Gen Y and the Baby Boomers. It's like you start with a more conservation generation, after the world wars, and then the generation that followed began to question things more and get involved in societal issues. Gen X was more interested in materialism and tended to be more conservative (not representative of me, by the way). It's Gen Y that is testing things out, asking questions and is more concerned about the planet.

It's food for thought anyway and probably over-simplified. I think I'm going to be thinking about this topic in the days to come.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Good Morning?

I wake up around 5:30 every morning to get to work at 7:30. You would think I'd be awake and in good spirits by the time I reach the office, but I find that I don't really want to talk to anyone. I always thought I was a morning person, but I guess I'm not. Being single and living alone, it's hard to assess these things since I only have to interact with my bird and we don't talk much.

It used to help a little when I drank caffeine, but I gave that up 3 months ago. Yes, impossible as it seems, this DC addict gave it up cold turkey. It was messing with my stomach and making me agitated, so when I changed my diet around, I eliminated the DC. I used to drink 1, 20 oz. bottle in the morning. Sometimes I'd have a 2nd one in the afternoon. That's 5 servings per day. The stuff is not good for the body. I feel a lot better physically and I'm calm. Almost too calm as in comatose. Going off the stuff is like being on an antidepressant I suppose.

Time to get busy. I'm going to try to be a little social and outgoing. I have my work cut out for me today.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

So this is a blog?

Wow, I've actually joined the 21st century. Along with getting a cell phone and a digital camera and now a blog, I'm all set. Well, I don't have an Ipod yet and don't intend on getting one. I can't stand to have things plugged into my ears for very long.

I'm going to try to use this space to be completely narcissistic. Isn't that what a blog is all about? It's like writing in a diary that you know someone's going to read. It looks personal, but it's really guarded. That's kind of my philosophy anyway. So what kinds of things will one find here? Let's make a list:
  • Orchids -- I love them and have about 20 varieties.
  • French -- Je le parle couramment, alors je veux consacrer des postes de temps en temps à cette langue qui m'a influencée plus de 25 ans. If you could read that, you'll enjoy my posts on anything French.
  • Low-carbing -- I'm not overweight by any means, but started lowering my carbs to between 50-100 grams per day to help my digestive issues (GERD, IBS). It has helped tremendously and I feel the best I can remember, so it's now part of who I am.
  • Libraries and librarianship -- Yep, I'm a Librarian.
  • Walking -- I love it and walk 3-4 miles/day.
  • Quaker Parrots (I have one)
  • Vegetarianism -- Have been a pesco-vegetarian for about 9 years. What's the pesco? It means I eat seafood. I would give it up, but I always feel the best when I eat fish. Sorry to all vegetarians out there.
  • Duran Duran -- My all-time favorite group! I've been a fan since 1983/84 I guess. I saw them several times last year and even traveled to Birmingham, England last December. Yes, I guess I'm slightly fanatic.
Can't think of anything else right now. I guess we'll have to see what comes up.

I look forward to seeing what blogging is all about.