Thursday, May 18, 2006

Feeling yucky

I hate posting negative things here, but I've been feeling so yucky for the past week, I can think of little else.

I have a history of digestive problems with which my doctors have never been able to help. I have IBS. I have GERD (actually, HAD GERD). I'm really having trouble lately digesting vegetables. At least I think that's the problem. I started reducing my carbs in February to try to control the acid reflux. It works great and there is no more heartburn or chest pain. I've been getting lots of gas and bloating, however, in my large intestine (the small intestine is more associated with the acid reflux, hence no reflux). I've been consuming more veggies, so I think that's the problem. I'm going to avoid them today and see what happens. I hate this! I'm 5'3" and weigh 107 lbs. I don't want to lose more weight yet I keep having to restrict what I eat. Not to mention the embarrassment I have at having gas while at work. It never stops. I just want to be able to eat without pain.


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