
I should have slept in like everyone else. It is Saturday after all, but I got up at 5:30 and went for a 3-mile run. I had my best time ever too and averaged less than 10 minutes/mile. Not great, but for me it is. I love getting out there when it's still fairly dark and I have the streets all to myself. It's very peaceful and cooler too which is a plus. It's going to be in the mid eighties again today. I love coming back in covered with sweat and hitting the shower. I have a certain satisfaction knowing that other people are just rolling over in bed not aware that I was out there working my ass off. I also feel good knowing my exercise for the day is done and I can do whatever else I want. Running makes me feel strong and energized for the rest of the day. Of course I'll want to take a nap around 3pm though...
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