Saturday, May 13, 2006

Too much like work

I slept about 10 hours last night. It's not a record, but that's a lot of sleep. I guess the week caught up with me. I was on the road a lot, packing, loading the car, unloading the car. It's more than I'm used to. I don't like to always be on the go. It's a lot of work. I know it's good for me to do things, see people, get out there. I would be content sometimes to just stay at home and not talk to anyone. It's unnatural for me to be social. I force myself to do it lately because isn't that what we're all about? Aren't humans social creatures? Can we even live without daily contact? What happens to us when we shut ourselves away? Do we slowly lose our sanity and forget how to talk and interact at all?

I have another get-together next month. A bunch of us who met over the Internet are doing dinner and some clubbing. It should be fun. It's actually going to start the day before but that means I have to board my bird. It's too much work. The only ones who can take him are my parents who live 70 miles away. He gets so stressed, I feel really bad for him. I suppose I could ask a friend to come check on him. She doesn't understand birds. She doesn't like animals all that much and he bites. I'll have to think about it. See, it's already too much. That's what happens when it becomes too much like work. It's a chore that must be done and you stress until it's over.


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