The orchid on the right is a Miltassia orchid: one of the easiest to grow. Water it once a week, fertilize it every 2 weeks and voilĂ , you'll start getting flowers. It blooms a couple times per year and the blooms last for months. I love it because it also has a sweet fragrance.
I spent the day at a workshop about 3 hours away. The topic was aging in the workplace. We discussed the various "generations" and what is important to each. The generation that is the hardest for me to understand is Generation Y which supposedly encompasses anyone born from 1982-2000. I'm a Gen Xer and we do have a lot in common. I saw a lot of similarities between Gen Y and the Baby Boomers. It's like you start with a more conservation generation, after the world wars, and then the generation that followed began to question things more and get involved in societal issues. Gen X was more interested in materialism and tended to be more conservative (not representative of me, by the way). It's Gen Y that is testing things out, asking questions and is more concerned about the planet.
It's food for thought anyway and probably over-simplified. I think I'm going to be thinking about this topic in the days to come.
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