Wednesday, May 03, 2006

So this is a blog?

Wow, I've actually joined the 21st century. Along with getting a cell phone and a digital camera and now a blog, I'm all set. Well, I don't have an Ipod yet and don't intend on getting one. I can't stand to have things plugged into my ears for very long.

I'm going to try to use this space to be completely narcissistic. Isn't that what a blog is all about? It's like writing in a diary that you know someone's going to read. It looks personal, but it's really guarded. That's kind of my philosophy anyway. So what kinds of things will one find here? Let's make a list:
  • Orchids -- I love them and have about 20 varieties.
  • French -- Je le parle couramment, alors je veux consacrer des postes de temps en temps à cette langue qui m'a influencée plus de 25 ans. If you could read that, you'll enjoy my posts on anything French.
  • Low-carbing -- I'm not overweight by any means, but started lowering my carbs to between 50-100 grams per day to help my digestive issues (GERD, IBS). It has helped tremendously and I feel the best I can remember, so it's now part of who I am.
  • Libraries and librarianship -- Yep, I'm a Librarian.
  • Walking -- I love it and walk 3-4 miles/day.
  • Quaker Parrots (I have one)
  • Vegetarianism -- Have been a pesco-vegetarian for about 9 years. What's the pesco? It means I eat seafood. I would give it up, but I always feel the best when I eat fish. Sorry to all vegetarians out there.
  • Duran Duran -- My all-time favorite group! I've been a fan since 1983/84 I guess. I saw them several times last year and even traveled to Birmingham, England last December. Yes, I guess I'm slightly fanatic.
Can't think of anything else right now. I guess we'll have to see what comes up.

I look forward to seeing what blogging is all about.


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