Monday, May 08, 2006

Change is on the wind...

I don't know how I know, but it's just a feeling I have. It could be because I have two job opportunities available and one may take me to another part of the state. It's an exciting time. Things have been stagnant for much too long. It's a strange thing for me because I don't really like change. Maybe it's the small things in life that bother me the most: not having my chocolate soy shake in the morning or forgetting my scented body lotion when I leave for a weekend. Other events which shake up my life completely are now viewed as an adventure, at least until I get down to the nitty-gritty of it and it actually happens. I can be excited now as it's all rather abstract and I'm still in my comfort zone.

I'm heading to the west of the state (about 3 hours from home) tonight and will be back on Wednesday. I'm in the mood for this training session and I love having my own hotel room. No responsibilities and eating out in fine restaurants at somebody else's expense. I could get used to that.


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