
I have a quaker parakeet. He's going to be 11 years old on June 1. I worry about him and feel bad for him. He's always been alone all day while I'm at work. As a result, he doesn't talk much and he has some behavior problems such as biting and screaming when he's stressed. I've spoiled him, probably because I feel guilty about his situation, so I give him whatever I'm eating. He won't eat his own food now. People tell me if I had another bird he would do better because he would watch the other one eat, but I shudder at the thought of caring for another little monster.
Anyway, I went to a quaker site and started watching videos people put together of their birds doing cute things. Some of them sing or they talk really well. There was one that played with a plastic basket and a ball on the floor. He amused himself by putting the ball in the basket and then throwing it out again. My bird is terrified of that ball. I have one and every time he sees it he runs for cover. I felt really sad watching those videos and observing all the well-socialized birds. I love mine no matter what, but I feel that I didn't give him the best home he could have had. Imagine what I would have done with a child!
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