Learning an Instrument

I moved a few months ago. I had to leave behind the best friend I have ever had. The thing is that she is more or less convinced that we won't keep in touch and that our friendship will fade. I've tried to show her it doesn't have to be that way. I only live a few hours away from her and we can see each other. There is also email (which we did regularly anyway) and cell phones. I am doing my best but it seems kind of one-sided at times. I'm the one doing the calling, the emailing and the driving. She has a family, but her children are grown and have their own lives and her husband does his own thing and they very rarely do anything together. I work a typical workday (7:30-4:30) and she only works until 1:00pm each day. It seems to me she has a little more time to invest in our friendship.
I watched Rachael Ray this morning as the furnace guy was installing my furnace. It's not a bad show. Rachael's voice can grate on one's nerves after a while though. Anyway, she had a woman on who feels so terrible that she is single. R then had 20 other single women gathered in the audience. She basically told them to stop dating for 90 days and to just enjoy life and concentrate on work, hobbies, etc. Is that the thing to do? I don't really "look" anymore because it doesn't seem to help (especially when most of the men are already married). I enjoy life and my friends. It would be nice to have someone around who was just mine though. I think I want it all: my independence and to be involved with someone on my terms. I don't feel particularly lacking, it would just be nice sometimes to know there is someone out there just for you.