Saturday, July 26, 2008


I should have slept in like everyone else. It is Saturday after all, but I got up at 5:30 and went for a 3-mile run. I had my best time ever too and averaged less than 10 minutes/mile. Not great, but for me it is. I love getting out there when it's still fairly dark and I have the streets all to myself. It's very peaceful and cooler too which is a plus. It's going to be in the mid eighties again today. I love coming back in covered with sweat and hitting the shower. I have a certain satisfaction knowing that other people are just rolling over in bed not aware that I was out there working my ass off. I also feel good knowing my exercise for the day is done and I can do whatever else I want. Running makes me feel strong and energized for the rest of the day. Of course I'll want to take a nap around 3pm though...

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Visit or No Visit?

I was going to get together with some friends this weekend, but changed my mind. I do have work to do, a deadline that I didn't know that I had, but if I really wanted to go, I would. I'm not sure why I don't. This group only meets a couple of times a year, what is my problem? Sometimes those things seem like too much effort so little. They act like they're still in high school sometimes camping on the floor, staying up really late. They are also rabid Duran Duran fans and I've veered away from them and have other interests. I still wonder why I can't be like everyone else and be more outgoing. I would be happy to just stay at home and not be bothered by anyone.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Things are looking up...

Day 23 and finally feeling better! I still have trouble eating though. I lost 6lbs. When you shouldn't lose anything, that's pretty much. Hopefully, I'll be back to eating normally soon.