It's Been Awhile...

Where does the time go? It was two seasons ago since my last post. It's not that things have been uneventful. Finding the time to blog is not as easy.
I am on a search committee and it has been very interesting. It never fails to amaze me that people still don't seem to realize that first impressions are important. Ditch the shoes that you use for working in the garden. Buy one good suit, whether it's a pantsuit or a skirt and jacket.
Some of them also fail to realize that being prompt is important. If you're running late, call! Our last candidate was an hour late to dinner. She drove herself. That's all perfectly fine, but call! The head of our committee waited and waited. It's never good to keep people waiting.
We also interviewed one person who clearly wasn't interested in the position. By the time lunch rolled around, it was very apparent. I wouldn't have minded if she had told us she wasn't interested and wanted to end it right there. It would save everybody's time.
Don't even get me started on resume writing. I was on a committee a few months ago where we received over 60 applications. Each resume was laid out differently. I had to hunt for their degrees and other pertinent information. I figure if you're going to hide it, maybe there is something you don't want me to know. If you earn a degree, make it prominent. You earned it.
Okay, that's enough ranting.