I can't believe it has been over two weeks since I last posted. Reading my last entry, that was the lowest part for me throughout this whole ordeal. I was so run down I'm not surprised I got sick. I was so sick I couldn't get off the couch. I had plenty of time to reflect and get some perspective.
Now two more weeks have passed and things are going better. I felt so overwhelmed. It didn't help that the woman who is showing me things is hyper. Feeling vulnerable and not feeling up to the task is very frightening. Little by little, however, I'm feeling more comfortable and I think I can say that I'm starting to like my job and my life again.
Job-wise, I'm figuring things out and sometimes I even surprise myself with how much I know. It has been a long time since I've done this kind of work, but it's slowly coming back.
On the homefront, I'm making the condo more homey. I finally hung some pictures this weekend and am getting the last of the boxes empty.
I'm also doing some exploring. I found a beautiful park 8 miles away with a trail along the river. It's gorgeous and the walk exhausts me (no small feat since I'm the walking queen).
My bird is also doing better. I got a suggestion from somebody to add apple cider vinegar in his water and he's been drinking it for 2 weeks now. One day, I noticed his feathers look healthier and he's stopped his trembling episodes. He even seems to like it here and is handling this better than I am. I can't believe it.
I don't know what the future holds, but I have no choice but to go forward and make the best of it. I sold my condo and the closing was today. There is no going back. Home is what you make of it. I need to stop thinking so much and just enjoy the moments I have making a new home.