Almost Ready

I move in a couple of days. I spent the weekend and today packing. I'm amazed at all the boxes I have. I mean there's just me! Why do I have so much? My last move was 9 years ago. It's odd to think I doubled or tripled my possessions since then.
Anyway, I have good news. My condo is sold. Well, it's getting there. Contracts are signed and I'm waiting until the home inspection is done. I'm not getting anywhere near what I put into this place, but I need to sell it quickly. I've learned that with condos, it doesn't matter how much money you spend improving it. It will still only sell at market value. My property has also lost value because some investor buys them up very cheap and then rents them out. It breaks my heart. I'm very happy, however, that my place is going to a couple with a small child. Maybe they will love it here as much as I did.
It's rather surreal now. A part of me wants to hold on and not leave. My house doesn't look like mine anymore though. With all the boxes piled up and things put away and taken down, it just looks sad.
Tomorrow for my last day in town, I'm meeting a friend for lunch. How can we make these moments last? Maybe that's the lesson. Everything changes and if we live in the past or in the future, we never really experience what we have now. Maybe that's why we always feel like we're fighting time.