Aging Parents

It's so hard to see one's parents age and decline little by little. Sometimes it's not even a little, but a lot. My dad has leukemia. He has been doing well with it, but now he has silicosis in his lungs from the work he did and decreased lung functioning. It has been causing him a lot of problems. It sent him to the hospital over the holidays because it put stress on his heart and afib. After months and months of decreased activity, shortness of breath and tiredness, he is finally feeling better because the doctors finally figured out he needs oxygen. Finally! Once he had some he could tell the difference right away.
It's still so sad that he can't do all the things he enjoys. He gets depressed. It puts a huge strain on my mom who worries about him constantly. She is another one with some problems. Her weight is down to 92 lbs and she can't seem to get it up even though she is always eating something. It's the worry.
Then there is me. I worry about them and just wait for the day they either are in the hospital or have to go into care. I wonder why it has to be that way and I pray it won't.
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