Happy V-D?

So it's Valentine's Day? This day really means nothing to me. I have never celebrated it and no man I was with ever did either (one said it was too commercial as an excuse not to buy me anything). If I get a gift from a man on this day, it's a combination birthday/V Day. They kill two birds with one stone and feel really good about themselves. Everybody's happy.
This birthday was a milestone: 40. I can't believe it. I don't feel like I'm 40 and I don't look it either (I still occasionally get carded!). It surely must be a mistake! My life is a lot different than I thought it would be 20 years ago or even 10 years ago. I've learned that it's okay to be alone. Sometimes if we try to force things, it just makes us miserable. If I really wanted a relationship, I suppose I would join a dating service. I did once. I looked around and wasn't impressed. People would say I'm picky. Well, why shouldn't I be? This isn't like buying a pair of shoes.
We had a blizzard yesterday and got maybe 10 inches of snow. I was out shoveling the driveway. I watched the men in the neighboring houses with their snow blowers acting all manly. Hey baby, I shoveled it all by hand and didn't break a sweat! What gets me is that the neighbor a few doors down started around the same time as me and we were done around the same time! What? I am too proud to ask for help. Maybe that's part of my problem. I don't like to need anyone.
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