Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I started running about a month or so ago. I started the Couch to 5k plan which basically has you alternating between walking and running. Now I've never been a runner. I couldn't go a few feet without losing my breath and having to stop. I'm pleased to say that I can now run in 5-minute intervals. Tonight I did 16 min. which is around a mile and 1/2. For me that's a big deal. By the end of the week, I'm supposed to be running for 20 minutes straight.

I love it and never thought I would say that about running. It makes me feel strong. It makes me feel happy and when I've run a good run, I feel on top of the world. I can see how it can get addictive. Now my legs feel deliciously tired and they feel kind of tingly like all kinds of energy is flowing. It's a great feeling! I can't wait until I can do a 5k. I may even consider a race.

Now if the weather would get warmer, I'd be much happier yet. The coldest I've run has been 12 degrees. After about 10 minutes you don't notice the cold and it's amazing to come in and be dripping with sweat when it's only 12! I wonder what it will be like to run in warmer weather. I can't wait.


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