Work Blues

Work has been a challenge to say the least. I'm learning my job. I have been working there for almost 6 months now. The biggest challenge is a woman who is head of my section. She wants me to be her. She wants me to do what she would do in any situation. Work on this project now because it's what I want, call this person right now because I want the answer to this question, supervise this person this way because that is the way I would, etc. She is constantly nagging me and looking over my shoulder and I supposedly have a "professional" position. I can't do this, it is too stressful. I am not her and I don't want to be. I have my own style of working and my one way to supervise people. I know that and I've been successful in the past. With her breathing down my neck, I'm stressed out and questioning every decision I make and I have no confidence in my ability. I don't know how to handle this situation. I need to talk to her, but I'm afraid of making a big issue of it. She may keep reminding me of it at every turn. She's like that. She's not a bad person at all, but she is getting on my last nerve. She's pushy, she talks too fast and changes topics mid-sentence, she talks to herself, she repeats herself. I work with a nutter.
As soon as I get to work, I can't wait to go home. I don't want to live that way, but I don't know how else to live.
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