Virtual World

The past two weeks have been very hectic. First there was Chicago at the end of October and then I decided to go to Niagara Falls and stayed at a casino there. All that to see Duran Duran. It was worth it. I'm not sure why that group means so much to me, but it does and has since I was 15. Even better, the people I am meeting with the same "obsession" are some of the nicest people I've ever had the pleasure to meet. I guess all good things must come to an end and that also means my health, unfortunately. I started to get sick on Thursday and have been all weekend. I didn't let it stop me from visiting a friend on Friday, however. I figured I had the rest of the weekend to be sick and lay around.
I didn't have much to do today (except be sick) so I created an avatar and joined a community called Second Life. I was sceptical, but it really is cool. I've only scratched the surface, but am looking forward to exploring it. It looks like it could become addictive.
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