Out of the Blue
I got an email from a friend I hadn't heard from in a while. I'll call him E. We used to work at the same place a few years ago. I liked him briefly. I thought he liked me too, but nothing ever developed. I'm actually glad because he has a lot of "issues."
Anyway, he emails me from time to time. He's a rather negative person and communicating with him can be a challenge. I think our relationship has improved by not seeing each other frequently. He seems to be obsessed with his health right now. Let's see, he told me he has high blood pressure and IBS. He's my age (39). I can't judge him though. I'm obsessed with every ache and pain I have too. What happened to us in our 30s? I know several people around the same ago who are also starting to obsess about health. It usually starts in the mid-30s. The internet hasn't helped matters. It's all to easy to search and diagnose ourselves.
Then I had the thought that we're both single and own our own places. Maybe being alone is making us crazy. Maybe we'll end up being the town eccentrics (if we live long enough) or the ones kids tell stories about and dare each other to knock on our doors.
No way. Maybe E., but not me. He told me he doesn't even like to leave the house on the weekend. I worry about him but it's clear he doesn't want me in his life and I don't really want to get involved in all that anyway. He's very high maintenance (like I'm not!).
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